Product number: 523NN0022C1
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Spitfire is a modern hybrid rape created by crossing rape with kale and is a good companion to use with other fast establishing brassicas.
It is a medium-tall variety with high dry matter yield, excellent aphid tolerance, good stock palatability and rapid establishment to maturity.
It also has very good regrowth potential but needs to be carefully managed to avoid damage to stems.
Spitfire is a multi–purpose rape suitable for planting in spring for excellent summer and autumn feed or in early autumn for quality winter feed.
The main strengths of Spitfire are excellent yield, insect tolerance, and a low dry matter (DM%) stem.
The very low DM% content of the stem produces high quality forage with good utilisation at grazing.
Seed Rate 1.5 to 2.5 kg/acre
Care should be taken when changing an animal’s diet from grass to high protein brassicas (especially in Summer). If you are unfamiliar with the utilisation of these crops, we would ask you to read our guidelines on the subject and these are available on request.
Product Details
Spitfire is a multi–purpose rape suitable for planting in spring for excellent summer and autumn feed or in early autumn for quality winter feed. It is a modern hybrid rape created by crossing rape with kale and is a good companion for other fast establishing brassicas. Advantages include high levels of protein found in the catch crop, fast establishment, and good maturing time, which make it a versatile crop. It is a medium-tall forage rape variety with high dry matter yield, excellent aphid tolerance, good stock palatability and rapid establishment to maturity. This forage rape mix has very good regrowth potential but needs to be carefully managed to avoid damage to stems. And, the very low DM% content of the stem produces high quality forage with good utilisation at grazing.
- Excellent aphid tolerance and good stock palatability
- Rapid establishment to maturity
- Multi–purpose rape for seeding all year round
- Excellent yield, insect tolerance, and a low dry matter (DM%) stem
- Produces high quality forage with good utilisation at grazing
This forage rape seed has a Seed Rate of 1.5 to 2.5 kg/acre.
Care should be taken when changing an animal’s diet from grass to high protein brassicas (especially in Summer). If you are unfamiliar with the utilisation of these crops, we would ask you to read our guidelines on the subject and these are available on request.