Horse Paddock
Grazing and exercise paddock
Product number: 421FC0034CM
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High quality grazing and exercise paddock mixture for re-seeding or oversowing
- Formulated for easier management and improved mid season cover
- Hard wearing dense sward enhanced by Timothy and Red Fescue
- Steady production throughout the growing season
- The wide range of species ensures a good nutritional balance
- Surplus growth can make excellent hay
- Available with herbal mixture for enhanced nutrition
Seed Rate 13 to 20kg/acre
Product Details
High quality grazing and exercise paddock mixture for re-seeding or oversowing
- Formulated for easier management and improved mid season cover
- Hard wearing dense sward enhanced by Timothy and Red Fescue
- Steady production throughout the growing season
- The wide range of species ensures a good nutritional balance
- Surplus growth can make excellent hay
- Available with herbal mixture for enhanced nutrition
Seed Rate 13 to 20kg/acre