White Mustard

White Mustard

Product number: 524NW0001C1

Popular as a green manure crop.

  • A relatively inexpensive and highly versatile cover crop either sown alone or as a companion to other species.
  • It is a fast growing and good weed suppressor.
  • Has bio fumigation properties but not to the same extent as brown mustard.
  • It is ideal for early cover and produces large quantities of biomass although killed off by frost later.
  • It is an excellent scavenger of nitrogen.
  • Destroy before flowering to prevent self-seeding.
  • Some varieties are nematode resistant.

Seed Rate 12 to 17kg/ha

Product Details

Popular as a green manure crop.

A relatively inexpensive and highly versatile cover crop either sown alone or as a companion to other species.

  • It is a fast growing and good weed suppressor.
  • Has bio fumigation properties but not to the same extent as brown mustard.
  • It is ideal for early cover and produces large quantities of biomass although killed off by frost later.
  • It is an excellent scavenger of nitrogen.
  • Destroy before flowering to prevent self-seeding.
  • Some varieties are nematode resistant.

Seed Rate 12 to 17kg/ha